The 2011 San Jacinto Enduro was a hit!

It was the fastest year, with great weather… and smiles for miles. We’re working up some more info to share here. In the mean time, check the results page.

Also check out the sneak peek video from John & Rebecca of My Idyllwild. Check their Facebook page here.

If their teaser is any indication, it’ll be a great piece of video once it’s completed.

Join us for carb loading Friday at 5:30

We’ll have spaghetti with red sauce (meatballs on the side for the carnivorous), bread & cheese. It’s coming from none other than Cafe Aroma, one of Idyllwild’s finest restaurants/social clubs.
Your special HUB Cyclery cost for this meal is five bucks a head.
Map to The HUB.

Edit: Please drop a line to the Enduro email addy if you think you might come. We’ll order accordingly.
See you there.